CVS Digital

Filming - it's what I do

Dave has been travelling the world for 37 years providing freelance camera, photography and video production services.

Want to see more?

Check out my Vimeo Channel for an overiew of some of the work I have produced.

Our Services

Corporate Productions

You can make a corporate video as complicated, or as simple as you like. I like keeping things simple.

Live Event Filming

Depending on budgets, and room at a venue, I always film with a minimum of two professional broadcast grade cameras.

News Gathering

I spent many of my formative years working with my father, Graham Redmond, at the BBC in Leeds.

Freelance Filming

I regularly work for many other media companies and have done so for many years.


I can work with you to put your showreel together - including, if required, stills photography.

Video Editing

I use Adobe Creative Cloud which means I have the whole suite of creative tools at my fingertips.

Tape to DVD Conversion / File Conversions

Bring your old tapes to CVS and I will convert them to either dvd or a file for your pc, mac, tablet or phone.

Equipment Hire

I have a limited supply of video and associated equipment available for hire.

Stills Photography

I started out taking stills pictures when I was about 13 and I haven’t ever really stopped.

I film live events

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